*Birds we’ve seen on our 2012 trip so far: Western meadowlark, magpie, wild turkey, killdeer, osprey, red-naped sapsucker, sandhill crane, bald eagle, mountain bluebird
*National Parks/Monuments visited on 2012 trip so far: 2
[Click on any photo
to enlarge for better viewing.]
mile, and she ran it 3 times. When she returned, we ate a hearty breakfast and hit the road heading for the
We opted
for a later start on Wed. because we were going to take them up the Beartooth
Highway making a stop along the way, of course, in Lamar Valley (more bison),
and Abby got to join us on this trip. Gloria
and Jim were amazed at the beauty they saw along the way, and Jim kept taking
pictures of the GPS elevation

as we continued our climb up to nearly 11,000 ft. At the summit we used the tripod to take a picture of the 5 of us, and I got shots of Jim acting silly and Abby having a little run off-leash. On the way back we enjoyed a yummy lunch at Miner’s Saloon Casino & Emporium, a funky laid back sort of place, (sorry no website) in Cooke City just outside the park’s Northeast entrance. We stopped again in Lamar Valley hoping to spot some wolves before heading home but no such luck.
In just the 3 weeks since Terri had visited, the colors on the trees were beginning to change making the views even more spectacular as we our way towards Yellowstone Lake and around to Steamboat Point. About half a mile south of LeHardys Rapids we came upon an animal jam at one of the pullouts and got out to investigate.
Turns out there was a very tired grizzly lying in the sun across the
river! We got out our spotting scope and set up along with everyone else so
Gloria and Jim could have their first glimpse of a grizz in the wild though not
a very active one, only occasionally lifting its head or swatting at a fly. From here we drove to Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone , and as you’ve seen in previous blogs, this
area is magnificent, once again leaving Gloria and Jim amazed.
decided to stay home the next day while I took them up to see the Mammoth Hot
Springs Terraces, the hotel map room, and the visitor center. After a little shopping, we returned back to
the RV, changed clothes, and headed for the Boiling River . I had been telling Gloria about this place

Old Faithful and the many sights along the way there and
back. They were gone all day and had a
great time.

We had traded days with Rick and Donna so we could spend the last day of their trip relaxing and enjoying our time together. Gloria had spent 4 of the 7 days running the campground road training for her marathon but wanted the challenge of climbing one of the hills across from the campground. She and I set out Sat. morning for the tallest one, and while I didn’t climb all the way to the top with her, I was there to capture the photos of her
triumph. (That speck at the top of the hill at right is her!)
Upon our return, she and Jim went off to climb the other hill and even
went down to the river’s edge and back. Jim said it was quite the workout! We spent the rest of the day relaxing
and enjoying each other’s company.
flight the next morning was early, and having just pulled out of the campground, we were
stuck in an elk jam as a bull and his harem had just crossed the road. With the window down, we heard this great
creature bugle a fond farewell to Gloria and Jim. The week had flown by. We shared many meals, campfires, living
quarters, and good times. And yes, we
are still very good friends.
Yellowstone Tidbits:
*The Continental Divide crosses 3 places withinYellowstone a Park, the highest
at Craig’s Pass (8,262 ft.)
*YNP is home to 3 plant species found nowhere else in the world: Ross’ Bentgrass, Yellowstone sand to verbena, &Yellowstone sulfur wild buckwheat.
*Non-native lake trout inYellowstone Lake
are threatening the survival of the native Yellowstone
cutthroat trout & the species that rely on them, i.e. grizzly, bald eagle,
*Norris Geyser Basin is home of the world’s tallest active geyser, Steamboat, which erupts more than 300 ft. with no regularity however.
as we continued our climb up to nearly 11,000 ft. At the summit we used the tripod to take a picture of the 5 of us, and I got shots of Jim acting silly and Abby having a little run off-leash. On the way back we enjoyed a yummy lunch at Miner’s Saloon Casino & Emporium, a funky laid back sort of place, (sorry no website) in Cooke City just outside the park’s Northeast entrance. We stopped again in Lamar Valley hoping to spot some wolves before heading home but no such luck.
In just the 3 weeks since Terri had visited, the colors on the trees were beginning to change making the views even more spectacular as we our way towards Yellowstone Lake and around to Steamboat Point. About half a mile south of LeHardys Rapids we came upon an animal jam at one of the pullouts and got out to investigate.

before she arrived, and she couldn’t wait. For those who may not remember, this is an
area in the Gardner River where a large hot spring flows into it mixing the hot
and cold water in pools right at the river’s edge, and folks are allowed to get
in enjoying its warmth.
was a work day for us so we sent Jim and Gloria off in our car to visit We had traded days with Rick and Donna so we could spend the last day of their trip relaxing and enjoying our time together. Gloria had spent 4 of the 7 days running the campground road training for her marathon but wanted the challenge of climbing one of the hills across from the campground. She and I set out Sat. morning for the tallest one, and while I didn’t climb all the way to the top with her, I was there to capture the photos of her
*The Continental Divide crosses 3 places within
*YNP is home to 3 plant species found nowhere else in the world: Ross’ Bentgrass, Yellowstone sand to verbena, &
*Non-native lake trout in
*Norris Geyser Basin is home of the world’s tallest active geyser, Steamboat, which erupts more than 300 ft. with no regularity however.