[Click on any photo to enlarge.]
*Critters we’ve seen on our
2015 trip so far: elk, mule, mule deer, llama, prairie dog, donkey, bison,
coyote, pronghorn, Uinta ground squirrel, black bear, moose, bighorn sheep, yellow-bellied
marmot, wolf, least chipmunk, fox, bull snake
*Birds we’ve seen on our 2015
trip so far: California condor, Brewer’s blackbird, American kestrel, spotted
towhee, magpie, wild turkey,
mountain bluebird, bald eagle, Canada goose, Clark’s
nutcracker, sandhill
crane, osprey, red-tailed hawk, mountain chickadee, Northern flicker, great
horned owl, Peregrine falcon, brown-headed cowbird, cliff swallow, Cassin’s
finch, western tanager, cedar waxwing,
Lazuli bunting
Lazuli bunting |
*National Parks/Monuments visited on 2015 trip so far: 6
see some wildlife. Of
course there were the usual elk with their adorable calves in the campground,
and a bison just hangin’ out up in town.
Our resident coyote made several appearances traveling back and forth
through the campground, and there were numerous sightings of Uninta ground
squirrels, magpies, chipmunks, and lots
of robins and rabbits (more than we’ve seen in past years).
Once the labwork was done, we stopped at Safeway for some grocery
specials, got a quick bite to eat, then back to Bozeman to stock up at Walmart,
a quick stop at Albertson’s in Livingston, and then home…a very long day indeed
for all 3 of us (yes, Abby went along, too).
I had the opportunity to use my sign language skills that I learned
over the winter when some campers knocked on our door. We were off duty but the lady was looking for
water to fill their rig, and I was extremely nervous and felt so awkward but we
communicated. I can fingerspell very easily
but it takes so long spelling everything out and always feels like I’m taking
up so much of the other person’s time.
But I know they’re always appreciative that someone can communicate at
all and are always extremely patient. A
couple of days later they came up to the office to renew, and this time I felt
a little more at ease talking with them (though still wished I could sign
better…takes practice I know).
- Bighorn sheep: male (ram) weighs 174-319 lbs., female
(ewe) weighs up to 30 lbs.; young (lamb) 8-10 lbs. at birth. Rams’ horns can weigh 40 lbs. and their
skulls have two layers of bone above the brain that act like a shock
absorber for collisions during the head-on butting that occurs during the
mating season.
- All
visitors are required to stay 100 yards (length of a football field) away
from wolves and bears, and 25 yards (length of two school buses) from all
other animals.
- Elk are plant eaters and have four-chambered stomachs.