Thursday, August 2, 2007

Things we have learned....

  • When you retract a slideout, be sure any rain water has drained off the top, otherwise the water will enter into the RV.
  • After about 7 days, the black water (from the toilet) begins to smell. It is recommended that this 40 gallon tank is 2/3 full before being emptied so I guess we need to go to the bathroom more often.
  • Our home is awfully dark when all the blinds are pulled, so to enjoy the view, we always open a few. We must remember to close them before undressing for bed.
  • Our dogs believe that our sole purpose of this trip is to let them in and out of the door. Sure do miss the doggie door!
  • We have found that every time we bump our head, it is against something hard, and it will be there again tomorrow.
  • Blogs take time to do, and there's always at least one picture that doesn't open up.
  • Russ is much more patient driving the speed limit than he used to be.
  • Daily consumption of alcohol is better than we remember.
  • Putting 100 gallons of diesel in an RV is expensive!
  • Take care opening the refrigerator after you've moved so your salad doesn't end up all over the floor.
  • The best photos never turn out.
  • It seems like we talk each other.
  • We're still trying to get to Episode 3 of Star Wars.
  • People at campgrounds are really friendly especially if you're sitting outside with a cooler next to you.
  • The wheels on the bus go round and round.......99.9% of the time forward.
  • If it weren't for navigating directions while traveling, we would probably never argue.
  • The GPS works great until you need it.
  • The GPS doesn't realize that our vehicle is about 60 ft. long while towing, otherwise it would pick easier routes to navigate.
  • There is an 8 inch drop off from our bedroom to the bathroom. It is hard to see at night.
  • We will probably never use about 40% of the things we have taken with us.
  • Two laptops are better than one.
  • We need to start eating more at home. You have no idea how convenient fast food is when the option is fixing dinner in an RV.
  • Vehicles waiting to turn from a side road always pull in front of the slow moving RV not realizing that slow moving RV is also a slow braking RV.
  • Stoplights don't bother us much anymore as they actually help our gas mileage.
  • Russ likes to go to bed early and rise early. Susan likes to stay up late and sleep in. Guess we need to work on that a little bit.


Anonymous said...

Kathy and I got a good laugh about the things you've learned.

Here are a few more.........

When you're taking a break at a rest area and decide its a good time to run the Saturn's engine before resuming the trip, its a good idea to remember to it turn off again BEFORE continuing down the mountain! The next 30 miles down the road till you can stop again can be a bit suspensefull wondering if everything will be okay. It was.

Make sure EVERYTHING is turned off in the tow vehicle (Saturn), or you might find the battery is dead when you go to disconnect.

A blow-out of an RV tire at 70mph on an interstate is exciting, not fun. RV tires rot before they wear out from use (maybe not for full-timers). Be sure to change tires due to age even when the tread looks great (Goodyear reccommends every four years).

If you have to ride out a hurricane, pull in the rooms (that way water won't spill on your head when you pull them in, also the vehichle is more aerodynamic), retract the jacks, and find high ground. While we were very comfortable after the resulting power outage (thanks to our generator), during a trip through VA one hurricane season, we had to wait several hours for water to recede before we could leave the camp ground.

Jake breaks are a wonderful thing (especially decending 9% grades in WV backroads).

Smoke detectors are LOUDER and more sensitive in an RV! For some reason, they think where there's bacon cooking, there's fire.

In cold weather camping, attention must be paid to the water compartment, else you may find your pump frozen. A hair dryer or small electric heater will usually do the trick.

And last but not least, mice have a way of finding hidden entrances to your RV. Invest in mouse traps. A good place to put them is under the kitchen sink (just remember to check them).

Despite these and other mishaps we've experienced, we love our RV and the fun and adventure far outweighs the inconviences. We still envy you two being able to do this all the time.

Have fun and be safe.

Your Tennesse and RV friends,
Bob and Kathy

Susan Farmer said...

Thanks for the additional "things" to add to our list. Hopefully we'll never have to experience them firsthand! Though I have experienced the sensitivity of the smoke detector already!! Susan

Anonymous said...

These were absolutely great! I don't know that I'll ever have the experience, but I'll keep these in mind if I ever do!

Anonymous said...

Russ and Susan

Suprise!! I have been meaning to check out this site since I recieved your letter. WOW...I have read a little and scrolled down and read a little...then I came to "things we have learned".... too funny, this has make my day, I will eventually read all the posts and enjoy all the pictures. Thank you so much for keeping in touch. We will be here in NC for a long while so please stop on by we can share a few bottles of wine, play some golf and share some old memories . I am so looking forward to seeing you.
Love Debby Higginbotham and Dick :)