Wednesday afternoon took us to Russ' brother's farm in Wentzville, MO, about an hour from us, and we took the dogs so they could get out for awhile. Ron and Jackie have about 120 acres and for many years Ron ran a baseball camp with his own "field of dreams" right on the farm. For those of you who don't know, Ron Hunt is Russ' half brother and played major league baseball for a number of years. Jackie had a separate industrial kitchen built since her kitchen in the house was too small to cook for all those boys when they attended the camps!

We put the dogs in one of their outdoor kennels, and Ron gave us a tour of the spread. Russ had been there many times as a kid, but the couple times I had been, I only saw the house. Ron drove us out to the pasture to show us his prized bull, Walter. The rest of his cattle are down the road for the summer but will be brought back here soon. We headed back to the house for a brief visit, then left to go to dinner but first stopped by their daughter, Tracy's, house to say hi. She has a beautiful place, and though she was busy doing some work from home, we talked her into going to dinner with us. We ate at the 54th Street Bar & Grill, and afterwards went back to the farm and spent a few more hours sitting outside chatting. It was late when we left but what a wonderful visit.

sday Ru
ss went to play golf, and I met up with Gloria and her bowling team for lunch. Now what makes this so special is that as it turns out one of Gloria's bowling partners is someone I haven't seen in 34 years! The high school I attended was a small, all-girls school, and every freshman was assigned a sophomore "big sister". Gloria "met" Pam at the grocery store where they both worked, discovered they went to the same high school, became friends, and got on the same bowling team. When I got to town, Gloria was telling them about her friend from high school being in town, and when she told Pam my maiden name, she exclaimed "That's my little sister!" Talk about a small world! When I walked in, I would have known her anywhere...she looked exactly the same. OK, maybe a wee bit older. :-) It was great to catch up with her.

ht I finally visited my second Sweet Adelines chorus since we started this journey. Steve's wife, Patty, likes to sing (though she has done it for years) and has been looking for something to do for herself since they moved back here a year ago, so I asked her if she'd like to join me (that's her in the pink top standing in front of me). The chorus we visited was City Voices Chorus, a mid-size chorus of around 45 members, who came in 1st place in their division at Regional competition this year, 3rd place overall, and got Most Improved Chorus honors! We had actually heard them perform
Take Me Out To The Ballgame when we were at the Cards game a couple weeks ago. There were only about 35 on the risers the night we attended, and as usual everyone made us feel most welcome. Their director, Jerilee Inghram, has been a Sweet Adeline for many years, is a Master Director, and was most gracious. Patty and I were able to jump right i

n on the risers with guest books and sing along. The first song they worked was one I already knew and one of my favorites,
It Don't Mean A Thing If It Ain't Got That Swing. Next they ran through
We Are Family (yes, the Sister Sledge song!),
Good Old Acapella (which I didn't know),
Once Upon a Time (a beautiful ballad). Then it was time for Patty and me to sit while Jerilee's daughter (who is a singer and dancer) taught the chorus a routine and ran front row auditions. I sure wanted to jump up there and do it with them! Once that was done, we rejoined them on the risers for some more singing. What a fun night! And what a wonderful chorus! If you'd like to find out more about them, check out their website at
www.cityvoiceschorus.org/index.htm .
t rained most of

the day Friday, so we stayed inside and vegged. But we had plans for dinner to meet up with Randy and Michelle at Rich and Charlie's Restaurant near here. A few months after Russ had hired me at Stouffer's, he hired this darling girl named Michelle, and she and I hit it off immediately. Though she only worked at the hotel for a year, we remained close friends, and she was even in our wedding plus I sang in her wedding a month later. What a great time the three of us had reminiscing about people we worked with and sharing the stories of those times with Randy. We chatted about many things and nearly closed the restaurant down.

Saturday night was Girls Night Out! Seven us (including big sis Pam!) went to That One Place, which is about 15 minutes from the campground, for dinner, drinks, and dancing. Plus they had the Cardinals baseball game on TV! Unfortunately, the Cards lost, but we still had a great time. We were all commenting that it's been a long time since we've stayed up this late...it was well after midnight when we left!
Well, until next time from the Folly!
1 comment:
When I got to the part w/your picture and "that other girl", I thought to myself, "Boy, she looks familiar." Then I read it. Could I possibly remember her?!!! I would have only been 8 or 9!!
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