Monday, January 28, 2008

What's been happenin'.....

Well, hopefully none of you have been going through too much of a major withdrawal since our last post. Just not a whole lot exciting been happenin' so not much to really write about. But figured I should post something so you'd all know that we're still alive!

As we mentioned, we've had several doctor's appointments. The highlight probably is that Russ got new glasses and had a cardio stress test, and for all you non-believers, they did find his heart! The doctor said it looked "perfect" (his exact word!), which was a relief to hear. Of course, the advise was still the same, "lose weight, quit smoking, exercise". Yeah, ok.

I've been visiting the Baton Rouge Chorus on a weekly basis and enjoying my time singing with them and being with friends. I had lunch with my friend Patty, who used to be in the chorus, but can you believe I forgot to take my camera with me??!! And last Tues. night my friend, Susan ("Sooz"), picked me up for dinner and went to rehearsal with me (this time I DID remember the camera!). Sooz used to be a member of the chorus, too, and enjoyed seeing everyone. She's been quite busy with her family and work, but one of these days who knows....Sooz just might find time to rejoin.

The weather has been kind of crazy with lots of rain. One day last week it was 70 degrees, and the next the high was 45! There have been two mornings in the last couple weeks where the temperature was only 27 degrees when we woke!! Left the water running a little during the night so the hose wouldn't freeze, but a couple folks weren't so lucky. It's supposed to be warm in the south! But at least it's not snowing.

Last week I stopped by my former place of employment here in Denham Springs, Greystone Golf & Country Club, to say hi to everyone and wound up having lunch with Pat, who currently works in the Pro Shop and started working for Ron not long after I started. We had a great visit and hope to get together again before I leave.

On Friday Russ and I stopped by there again to have drinks with Ron Menville, Managing Partner of Greystone, my former boss, and good friend of Russ' and mine. He and Russ had worked together on a project in the past and that's how I met him. We had a great time chatting and catching up, and made plans to have dinner in a couple weeks with him and his wife, Susan. While we were there, Moses came in so of course I had to get a picture with him! He is the Cart Staff Manager and a super nice guy. Greystone is in the process of updating their website (, but you can still check it out and get the pertinent facts on what a great place it is!

We finally started eBaying some of the small stuff from our storage unit. We listed two items last weekend, one of which was our cordless phone system. We had listed a starting bid but also a Buy It Now option, and it was sold in a manner of hours! Russ said we obviously didn't ask enough for it!! We've currently got 13 items listed and are keeping very busy researching other items and preparing to list more for posting next weekend. One of the most amazing things is some cologne that Russ got back in the late 60s called Nine Flags Cologne. Russ hasn't used any of it in at least 40 years, but had held onto the bottles for some reason. During our online research to see if anybody was buying such stuff, we found that there are folks out there definitely buying this stuff up at big prices even for partially used bottles! So we've got it listed and already have 3 bids on it with 5 days to go!! Unbelievable! Now if everything would just sell that way, but we know that's asking for way too much.

So unless there's something exciting that happens, we probably won't post for another couple weeks. Happy Super Bowl, Happy Mardi Gras, and Happy Hour!

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