Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Contest Weekend

This past weekend was when I flew to Houston to compete with the Baton Rouge Chorus in Region 10's annual competition, and what a great time I had! Who wouldn't have a great time seeing old friends (like Denise and Jan pictured here on the left) and singing, dancing, and performing!

Initially my flight on Friday out of Pensacola was going to be delayed due to bad weather in Dallas, the sight of my connection (which I was now going to miss), but American Airlines found me a direct flight on Continental arriving at the other airport in Houston. So I quickly called my carpool buddies and told them the change of plans. They stopped at the Welcome Center to find out how to get to Bush Intercontinental airport since they only had directions to get to Hobby! Emily, Wendy, Jane, and Heather promptly showed up and off we went to find a bite to eat before heading to the hotel. Once settled in our rooms, we planned to head for the Stafford Centre where the Quartet Contest was already underway. But when we arrived at the Registration Desk, our badges were nowhere to be found! We never did find out what happened to them, but the volunteer quickly made us temporary badges. Unfortunately, this meant we had missed the bus and had to wait another 20 minutes for the next bus. They say everything happens for a reason, so I guess it was so I could meet up with my friend, Roz, who used to sing in Houston Horizon Chorus with me. She now sings with Austin Harmony, which is in the same region, so we rode the bus together and chatted the whole way, catching up on each other's lives.

Due to all the delays we missed the entire first half of the Quartet Contest and arrived just in time for intermission. So another chance to catch up with old friends!

The quartet, Entourage, had already performed and were enjoying the rest of the contest from the audience. Entourage consists of Carol, Carol, Kathy, and Katie. I know the Carols and Kathy from Houston Horizon, too, and Kathy had major surgery just a month earlier. She is still in a wheelchair, but told me in an e-mail that of course she'd be at contest! Her exact words were "if I'm alive, I'm at contest!" What a woman!

Also ran into my friends Cyndy, Terri, Karla, and Jodi from Houston Horizon. I chatted with many more friends that night but didn't get pictures of all (and some I took didn't turn out so well. :-) Besides this post would get way too lengthy if I posted ALL of the photos!

The contest ended about 7pm so after catching the bus back to the hotel, we walked across the street to a little Thai restaurant for a quick dinner. Then it was back to the hotel for a 9pm rehearsal! Let me just say, you don't get a lot of sleep on these weekends, especially if you have to get up at 5 a.m. to get to the airport to catch your flight! We had half an hour in the rehearsal room as another chorus was scheduled after us. Onstage with us this year were going to be two brand new members who had never been to a Sweet Adeline contest before much less be in one! Kristina and Tolly were both awestruck by the caliber and quality of the quartet performers, and couldn't wait to perform onstage themselves.

Saturday morning our chorus breakfast was scheduled for 7:30-8:30 a.m. and then an hour rehearsal at 9 a.m. After that it was time to head back to our rooms, put on all that stage make-up, costume, and head to Gloria's room for a final make-up and costume check. Below are a couple pictures showing Gwen getting final touches by Gloria, and Molly helping Virginia put on her false eyelashes. Yes, you read correctly....false eyelashes are a required element of the stage make-up!

Here are some more shots before boarding the bus and starting the pattern leading to being onstage. The photo on the left is of my roomies (Wendy & Emily) and me. Yep, that's me in the middle. Amazing what a little (ok, a lot) of stage make-up will do to ya, ain't it?!?!

The photo below on the left is our director, Cate, (looking like the consumate southern belle!) and on the right are Paula and Jane.

Our chorus was the 4th performer out of 14 contestants, so we got to see most of the other contestants perform. Then about 5 p.m. it was time for the results. Baton Rouge Chorus with 18 members onstage placed 3rd in the Division A (small chorus) Division! Plus we moved up 3 places over last year! Woohoo!! And Houston Horizon with 89 members onstage placed 1st overall so will head to International competition in 2009 in Nashville....congrats to my friends in Houston!

Now it was back to the hotel to change clothes and a pasta dinner buffet. On the way to the room I ran into my good friend, Janet, who is on leave from Houston right now but was at contest this weekend. And I ran into my roomies from the last time I sang with Houston - LeRae, Terri, and Tory - proudly wearing their blue ribbon medals!

After dinner it was time for the Show of Champions where the top five quartets and winning choruses from each division perform for everyone. This is also party time! One thing about Sweet Adelines is that they do like to party and drink! It's fun to catch up with your "sisters" from all over in person even though so many of us stay in touch via e-mail. After Houston Horizon did their performance, I caught up with Charlotte and Denise, and then joined them in HHC's party suite after the Show was over. Unfortunately I couldn't stay real late at the party since I had to be up at 5 a.m. to catch a 5:30 shuttle to the airport. Aarrgghhh! But it was all worth it...the fun, the camaraderie, and the singing. I'm so glad I got to enjoy it and participate one more time.

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