*New birds we’ve seen on our 2009 trip so far: wild turkeys, osprey, western meadowlark, mountain bluebird, sandhill cranes, Canadian geese, American white pelicans, trumpeter swans, killdeer, bald eagles, golden eagle, common merganser, great blue heron, raven, yellow-headed blackbird, Brewer’s blackbird, brown-headed cowbird, double-crested cormorant, Clark’s nutcracker, common goldeneye, white-breasted nuthatch, Steller’s jay
*National Parks/Monuments visited on 2009 trip so far: 24
*State Parks visited on 2009 trip so far: 4
Once this exciting portion of the trip was over, the remaining 60 miles to Bryce Canyon were very beautiful and luckily uneventful. We settled into Ruby’s Inn RV Park & Campground (http://www.rubysinn.com/rv_camp.html) mid-afternoon, and by pulling into our campsite instead of backing in were able to get satellite reception. Later that evening we heade
d up to the Visitor Center to get the lay of the land and collect all the pertinent information. We returned to the RV, had a late dinner, and made plans for the remainder of our stay.
The number of nights we would spend at Bryce Canyon has always been somew
hat of a variable. While some destinations were set in stone, we felt it was necessary to create a few flexible time periods to leave room for adjustment during this three month journey. Our stay at Bryce was originally scheduled for 7 nights, fairly consistent with our stay at other national parks. At one point we changed this stop to 5 nights, and after our recent change concerning Arches NP, further reduced our stay
here to 3 nights. Ah, but we found another change in store for us while checking the weather forecast for our next stop. With temperatures in excess of 100 degrees at Zion National Park, we decided to extend our Bryce Canyon stay to 5 days and cut down our Zion visit to 3 days as weather in Bryce was 20 degrees cooler.
The number of nights we would spend at Bryce Canyon has always been somew
Later that evening we returned to the Lodge for a ranger talk called “Astronomy Through the Ages”. This informative one hour slide presentation ended with the group heading to the Visitor Center to view various constellations, planets, star clusters, and moons through 3 different telescopes supplie
Sunday turned out to be a day of rest as we had actually been visiting or traveling to national parks since May 28 with very few down days. Our campsite was well-shaded, and with temperatures in the low 80s, it made
On Mon. we arose at 5:30 a.m., drove a short distance to the canyon rim, and watched the sun rise from Inspiration Point. From there we headed the remaining 14 miles up the park road to Rainbow Point, took a short hike, and started the return trip to our campground stopping at a number of overlooks including Black Birch Canyon, Ponderosa Canyon, Agua Canyon, a
nd Natural Bridge, some of which had short hiking trails we took advantage of. We finished our return by stopping at Sunset Point, Swamp Canyon, and Sunrise Point.
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