It’s been another busy couple of weeks in St. Louis with Russ playing golf a couple times, another visit to the American Legion Fish Fry, a trip to Lombardo’s Italian Restaurant, and a couple more visits to the San Bar. Owners Carmen and Angelo were both working the day we visited Lombardo’s, and while the Cardinals game played on the TV in the background, we enjoyed lunch in the bar, visiting and chatting with the guys.

On the way to the San Bar Wed. we picked up lunch from Steak n’ Shake for us and Bob to enjoy while watching the Cardinals game on TV washing it down with a couple beers. Bob had called a couple other guys to let them know we’d be coming by, and soon Mike showed up with fried chicken and what he called “jack salmon”, otherwise known as whiting. Every time we come to town, Mike always shows up with a ton of food! Soon the other guys arrived…Bob K., Terry, and Harold. These guys are always fun!

The week before last I met Denise for lunch at the Boathouse Forest Park (, a place I'd never been. It’s a casual restaurant, bar, and boat rental facility located on the Post-Dispatch Lake within Forest Park. We sat on the outdoor patio watching the

cutest baby duck and its mama scour the ground for tidbits. This is a dog friendly restaurant, and just inside the main entrance is a bin filled with treats and several water bowls. Denise and I decided to try the daily drink special, Peach Petal Punch, and despite our server telling us the ingredients, I don’t really think there was any liquor in it!
(Tee hee!) We had a wonderful lunch, chatting and catching up, and then walked around the park a little before finding it time to head home...another great visit.

The next day Rick came by after work, the first time we’d seen him since we got into town. He was only going to stay a couple hours, chat and have a couple beers. He knew our friends, Randy and Michelle, were coming over at 8pm for a late dinner, and Rick said he’d be long gone by then though we told him

he was more than welcome to stay since he sort of knows Michelle (they were both in our wedding). Well, time flies when you’re having a good time, and Rick was still here when they arrived. It was a beautiful night, and we sat outside for awhile chatting before going inside for pizza, salad, and a yummy dessert Michelle had made.

Sat. John joined us at Steve and Patty’s to watch the pay-per-view Missouri Tigers football game. We got there early to watch the end of the Cardinals game and enjoy some libations before kickoff. Cards lost but the Tigers won. (Do you see a sports theme running through our visit here?) This was a real laid back get-together, simply enjoying munchies, sub sandwiches, the games, and each other’s company.

There were also visits to see family. Aunt Dori has lived at Autumn View Gardens, an assisted living facility here in St. Louis, for the past 9 years and has her own little apartment there. We spent a couple hours visiting with her, and since we already had lunch plans, we simply joined her in the dining room continuing our visit while she ate. Though she’s physically slowing down, she’s still sharp and just another one of those amazing 87 year old women!

Fri. found us heading to Russ’ brother’s farm in Wentzville, MO, about an hour from us. As you may recall, Ron and Jackie have about 120 acres and for many years Ron ran a baseball camp with his own "field of dreams" right on the farm. For those who don't know, Ron Hunt is Russ' half brother who played major league baseball for a nu

mber of years. When they ran the camp, Jackie had a separate industrial kitchen built on the property since her kitchen in the house was too small to cook for all those boys when they attended the camps. Now they raise cattle, fish in the stocked pond, and Jackie tends her beautiful garden where she enjoys spending lots of time. She has dozens of gorgeous rose bushes, a couple tomato plants, mums, and some of the larg

est dahlias we’ve ever seen. After catching up for a spell, we joined their friends, Helen and Gary, at Stefanina’s Pizzeria & Restaurant for some yummy food and lively conversation. (Unfortunately the photo taken of us by our waitress was blurred so I can only share some photos of Jackie's garden.) After returning to the farm and visiting awhile longer, it was time to head home.

A couple weeks ago I met Rosemarie for lunch at Longhorn Steakhouse. Rosemarie worked with my mom
many years ago and was one of her best friends. She has remained a friend of mine as well, and the last two years we’ve enjoyed getting reacquainted and spending time together. Unfortunately, the time always goes too fast.
Last week I visited Bill and Alice Riley, paren

ts of my
friend, Linda, and people I have known since the 5th grade having lived next door to them. After meeting Alice at her house, we visited over lunch at Steak ‘n Shake, and then headed over to the nursing home to see Bill. We arrived just in time for their group exercises. I had time to visit with Bill for a few minutes before the exercises started, and then Alice and I actually got to join in! All are done from a seated position, nothing really strenuous, and I figure I can always use the exercise. The strokes Bill had a couple years ago have not affected his mind, and I always enjoy spending time with such wonderful people.
It's hard to believe we only have another week here before moving on. Time has flown by, and we've so enjoyed having the opportunity to once again spend time with friends and family. Tomorrow is my high school reunion so watch for that report in the next post.
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