Last week kicked off with another visit to Epcot for the Flower Power Concert Series featuring Paul Revere & the Raiders. We arrived in time for the 5:15 show but had to sit pretty far back. As always, though, it was a fun show with good music. We’ve seen them there a couple of times before and much of th

e show is the same, but he did have a few new jokes plus lead singer Darren did a snippet of an imitation of Donald Duck singing Led Zeppelin. OK, you had to be there…it was hysterical. Paul recently turned 72 and still has boundless energy with no sign of stopping anytime soon. Afterwards we got back in line to catch the 6:30 show, and this time we were on the aisle about 10 rows from the

stage. Much better for photo opportunities especially when the guitarist, bass player, and Darren came down into the audience!
The only other item of interest this week was a yard sale held at the campground Sat. I decided to set out a few things…something to do for a couple hours. At the very last minute (after this photo was taken), Russ decided to put out the 9’ x 12’ outdoor mat that we’d only used a

few times in the last 3 years. If it sold, great; if not, then we’d continue to carry it with us. They’re selling for about $65 now, and though we only paid about half of that, we stuck $25 on it for the heck of it. Around noon I was going to start packing up and had only made $5.50 at that point. A couple taking a walk stopped to chat, and about half an hour later (we were still chatting!) another couple suddenly drove up, said they had eyed the mat earlier, and bought it! Woohoo! A profitable day of $30.50!
(Entertainment this weekend at Epcot was David Cassidy, but the only night we could go was Sun. and the rain prevented us from going.)

Thought I’d end this entry with a few pictures of some of Mikey’s and Abby’s friends. At left Abby is nose-to-nose with Buffy who lives across from us and is afraid of no one! She acts tough with all the dogs but generally seems to want to play with Abby. In the photo on the right is Bess (black and white) and

Mischief. Bess always wants to play and wants attention from
everyone while Mischief on the other hand is afraid of big dogs so wants nothing to do with our kids but gladly accepts affection from us. Below left is Pearl with Mikey. She lives a couple sites over, and though when they first met, she snarled at him, now the first thin

g she does when her people take her out for a walk is look to see if he's lying outside. She’s about the same age as him, has some health issues, and really doesn’t like most other dogs but Mikey's a different story. Maybe they commiserate about their arthritis. :-)
Next week is going to be another busy one…hope the weather cooperates!
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