[This entry covers March 18-26]

Plans had been made that a week before my birthday, Linda and her daughter, Angela, would drive over from Tampa for an early celebration. We thought we’d go to Old Town (
http://www.old-town.com/) where there are plenty of restaurants, shops, and rides providing some fun for all of us. Angela dec

ided to invite her friend Ashley to share in the rides while Linda and I leisurely strolled around. As it turned out the rides didn’t open until 11a.m. so in the meantime the girls had some fun creating a Bopping Heads Dance Video and posing for pictures including in the monster truck’s big wheels next door at Fun Spot USA. The girls decided the rides looked better

at Fun Spot so Linda bought them each a wrist band for unlimited rides while we headed back over to Old Town and
Tex Mex Express (
http://texmexexpress.com/) for a tasty lunch complete with a frosty adult beverage! We strolled through the various shops with the girls catching up with us periodically in between riding. Afterwards we stoppe

d at
Edy’s Ice Cream to enjoy some yummy ice cream treats before heading back to the campground. Though at times the day may have seemed to be more about the girls, it was a great way to celebrate my birthday with a best friend and two fun and silly 11-year-olds!
Paul and Anne joined us on Mon. for a birthday dinner at Miller’s Orlando Ale House (
http://www.millersalehouse.com/), and on Thurs. Russ needed to get some lab work done, and since I had a coupon for a fr

ee burger and fries from Steak ‘N Shake, we stopped for a take out order and enjoyed a “picnic” lunch from the back of our car under the shade of a lovely tree next door at the flea market. Who says he’s not romantic?!! (and I didn’t have my camera with me either day!) However, I did have it with me on Fri. when we went to Denny’s for a Free Grand Slam breakfast, which in case you didn't know anyone can get on their actual birthday.

One last picture to share for now is from Gatorland, and it always strikes us funny whenever we've passed it. We’ve never been to Gatorland, but this eye catching sculpture sits right out front.
Sun. marked the end of our four months at Lake Magic RV Resort, and it was time to move on. We planned to head about 1-1/2 hours north to Ocala, FL, to have our generator repaired before heading west for the summer.
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