We had adopted him in CA through a shelter at one of PetsMart’s adopt-a-thons when he was 3-1/2 months old. We went looking for a medium size dog, and though the man ther

He was named after one of our best friends (pictured at left) and grew to be a handsome, extremely intelligent dog with a wonderful personality. Mikey knew words like doggie park, PetsMart, and many more, and would cock his head in acknowledgment even if said in passing. He learned all of his commands through PetsMart’s Puppy and Basic Obedience classes, and at the ti
For the first couple years of his life, he would get bored outside while we were at work, and with the stone walls had nothing to look at and oh, the basements and tunnels he would dig! Wish I had a digital picture of that to share! However, once we had a house where he could see the wide open spaces, he was happy as
Over the years he lived all over the country, coast-to-coast, and during the past 4-1/2 years he had the opportunity to explore even more new roads and smells. He helped navigate the highways at Russ’ side, climbed to new heights at the Continental Divide, got his feet wet in the ocean, and saw sights many have never had the chance to see.
We are comforted in knowing that he didn’t suffer and is no longer in arthritic pain. In fact in my mind’s eye I can almost see him smiling and running in the wide open spaces. He was such a character, and a friend recently described him as “a special soul”. He had a good life but has left a huge void in our lives. He was “my Mikey baby boy” and we miss him deeply.
A loss of a pet is so sad. It is a loss that a lot of people just do not understand. So many thing of a pet as property, or just go buy another. Although, I'm now a fan of always having room for more homeless and rescue pets; one can not be replaced.
It is so special to know the type of unconditional love a pet gives. The hurt seems to subside eventually, but the love will always be there.
In Memory of Mikey
Iam Mikeys Uncle Bill ,the first person he runs to when he comes to visit us in New Jersey. Mikey would stick his wet nose in my pant pockets looking for his treats. He knew I always had treats for him and Abby. What a great dog he was, he loved to swim in our pool all day and play with his cousins Zena a rottweiller, Barney and Rambo scottish terriors they had a ball. When I heard Mikey had passed it made me cry, I know the feeling when you lose such a good friend which I too have lost many and holding them until there last little breath goes out of them.Mikey will be dearly missed by all but he now is with God and someday hopefully we will all meet again .
Mikey me and Aunt Terri will miss you visiting us. God Bless his little soul 2/4/12
I didn't get to see my nephew Mikey too much but I know how loved he was and how much he gave back. I always dreaded the call from my sister that Mikey had passed. All I could do was tell her to remember the Rainbow Bridge and all the cousins by the hundreds he had waiting for him. Diana it the nail on head precisely. Non animal lovers just do not understand how traumatic the loss of a "pet" is b/c most true animal lovers consider their pets their children. I've had dogs, cats and even one pidgeon in my life. The smallest amount of pets I can remember in the house from my birth is 3. I just wouldn't know what to do w/o my kids. That unconditional love is beyond wonderful and I know Mikey gave plenty of unconditional love. Btw, the paw crossing thing, Satra did that too!! Mikey will always have a place in my heart and I'll take good care of his memorial here. Love you!
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