The past couple of weeks found me visiting two more Sweet Adelines choruses. First up was Harbor City Music Company Show Chorus (
harborcitymusiccompany.org/) located in the Baltimore area. I had visited this award winning group last year and was looking forward to another great rehearsal under the direction of Master Director Michael Gellert. Well known for their show packages, they like to say they perform “a cappella with a twi

st!” And anyone who’s seen their “Crayon Package” would certainly agree! Unfortunately on this particular night, the room they normally occupy for rehearsals was being used, and they had to squeeze into another one elsewhere in the building, which also meant no risers but that's not something that would deter this chorus for carrying on! I joined in for the physical and vocal warm-ups, but those very quickly segued into relating the vocal exercise to one of their contest songs so I moved off to one side. They are preparing for

their upcoming Regional Competition so no room for me to participate, but that’s ok because I still enjoy watching and listening and seem to learn something new with each visit. Several ladies were out sick, and some were being taken out in small groups to another room to work on other things so the pictures don’t really show the entire scope of this 70-member chorus. The evening concluded with last year’s Regional quartet champion, Lustre, performing their new contest package for us…awesome job, ladies! All are members of HCMC and are hoping for a repeat win this year (sorry, I didn’t get a picture of them).

Next up was the Heart of Maryland Chorus (
www.heartofmarylandchorus.org/) located in Rockville, MD, and under the direction of Karen Collins. This group of nearly 40 women immediately made me feel at home and have such a positive, upbeat a

ttitude and energy that obviously comes through Karen. She definitely seems to have a way of bringing out the best in them. I had been e-mailing with Membership Chair, Jan, and Chorus President, Marsha, since the beginning of the year about my impending visit so by the time we met, it was like we were old friends! (Photo below right, L to R: Karen, me, Marsha, Jan) The evening start

ed with sectionals (each section in a different room fine-tuning their part), and after the whole chorus returned, I was able to stay on the risers and sing for the entire rehearsal. The obvious work ethic and wonderful sound emanating from this chorus shows their desire to continually improve as they ready themselves for contest and an upcoming performance. Thanks for such an enjoyable and fun night, ladies!

We also had a visit from our friends Bob and JoAnne during these last couple of weeks. They were our “neighbors” a couple of years ago in Orlando, and we’ve continued to stay in touch including a lengthy visit one day last winter when we were checking out the campground where they were staying. A bond was initially created because their husky, Pearl, loved Mikey and would always look for him when she came outside, often laying down besid

e him. Now we figure they’re probably chasing each other without pain in doggie heaven. As it turns out, Bob and JoAnne have sold their rig and are living about an hour south of here so drove up one day for a visit. After a couple hours of chatting, we spent a leisurely lunch at Ruby Tuesday’s and then it was time for them to hit the road hoping to avoid the rush hour traffic. It was so good to spend some time together, and hopefully we’ll be able to do it again before we leave town.
Which brings me to another bit of news…the hosts who were to replace us March 1 had some sort of emergency and will not be coming. While Ranger Kevin searches for a replacement, he asked if we’d be able to extend our stay for a couple more weeks, and we agreed. Besides hopefully avoiding any ugly weather in St. Louis (our next destination), maybe…just maybe…we’ll be able to see the cherry blossoms in DC, another one of those things we’ve never experienced.
1 comment:
Tell me when and I'll meet you there! We've been in the area for 22 years and we still haven't seen it. I'm sure, it would just be me though. Husband doesn't get the allure. His loss! Oh, we must have a drink outside at the Sequoia. You'll feel like you're in heaven, if the weather cooperates!!
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