Our time in Greenbelt was nearly up, and we could hardly believe how quickly the past 4-1/2 months had flown by. We decided to make one more visit to NJ to see Russ’ sister and her family before we hit the road plus we had to pick up stuff we had stored t
here. We loaded Abby into the car and left plenty of food and water for Jo-Jo. When we arrived, their grandsons Will, Josh, and Ryan were there and so full of energy! Abby was thrilled to have run of the big
backyard and had a blast playing with Zena, her 140 lb. cousin (the Scotties, Barney and Rambo, decided to let the big dogs play and stayed out fro

m underfoot).

Their son, Billy, has been coaching the T-ball team and had a practice scheduled on one of the diamonds in the park behind their house. Will (6) is on the team, and Josh (3) gets to join the fun during pr

actices. He was so funny because as he ran the bases, they’d yell after him to be sure to touch the base, and he would stop on the base pad, bend down, touch it, and then take off running again! What a hoot!

Kristi stopped by with Alexander, and though he’s not keen on letting the guys hold him, I got the privilege for a little bit. We all went out to
Texas Roadhouse for dinner to celebrate my birt

hday, but the picture taken by our server did not turn out good at all so I only have one of Kristi and Alexander to share from that event. Though it was a quick trip, we had a relaxing, fun time.

At the beginning of March, Greenbelt likes to have two sets of hosts on duty. As you know, we were filling in until the ranger could find a replacement for us, but we were soon joined by the second set of hosts, Howard and Margie. They had hos

ted at Greenbelt a couple of years ago so were familiar with the routine and would be staying for a few months. Though we weren’t together long, we had a wonderful time getting acquainted and plan to stay in touch. Our last night they joined us for a roaring fire, but it was too dark for a photo with them by the time they had finished their rounds.

A couple of days before leaving the area, we had lunch at the local
Ruby Tuesday with two of the rangers (that’s our supervisor, Kevin, on the left). We had a great time chatting and spending a little more time getting to know our new friends.

It was now time to hit the road even though our replacements had not yet arrived. We were heading to St. Louis for a month of fun with friends and family, and Howard emailed this photo he snapped of us pulling out of the campground….thanks, Howard!
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