*Critters we’ve seen on our 2012 trip so far: prairie dog, bison, bighorn sheep, pronghorn antelope, mule deer, llama, white tail deer, elk, grizzly, coyote, badger, Uinta ground squirrel, black bear, yellow-bellied marmot, wolf, bullsnake, moose
*Birds we’ve seen on our 2012 trip so far: Western meadowlark, magpie, wild turkey, killdeer, osprey, red-naped sapsucker, sandhill crane, bald eagle, mountain bluebird
*National Parks/Monuments visited on 2012 trip so far: 2
*Birds we’ve seen on our 2012 trip so far: Western meadowlark, magpie, wild turkey, killdeer, osprey, red-naped sapsucker, sandhill crane, bald eagle, mountain bluebird
*National Parks/Monuments visited on 2012 trip so far: 2
Wouldn't you know that once I get caught up on the blog, the computer gods decide to crash my computer to put me behind once again! It completely froze, and when I finally shut down and turned it back on, it was asking for a BIOS password which we've never had to do before. Long story short, I had to get a new laptop. So gradually I'll be getting you all caught up on our adventures from the past few weeks. Oh, and remember, clicking on any of the photos will enlarge them for better viewing.
As you know, we go out a couple nights a week looking for wildlife, specifically wolves, and occasionally we take Abby along for the ride. She isn't allowed out other than to relieve the call of nature, but it gets her out of the RV for awhile and she seems to enjoy sniffing the air and looking at all the critters especially those "big doggies" aka bison. However she didn't seem to notice or care about the pronghorn we spotted on a nearby hill.
We look for folks with spotting scopes, and after we confirm they've been spotting wolves, Russ will get our scope out setting it up near the others so we can chat and keep up with where they're being sighted. On this particular night of the photo below right, one was keeping sentinel on top of the ridge and though I took a couple photos of him, the distance was too far for them to come out clearly. Another one occasionally popped out from behind a tree but again too far away to see without the scope, and my camera can't take a shot through the scope lens.
One event that occurred this past week was a potluck Ranger Allan, and his wife, Barbara, threw at their house for all of the campground hosts under his watch. Even though it was a workday for us as well as Pat and Jack from Indian Creek, we were allowed to lock up the offices at 6pm to attend. He gri
Next week Russ' sister arrives for a visit, and we're looking forward to showing her the sights. She's never been to Yellowstone, and hopefully she'll get to see lots of critters and the elk will pay a visit to the campground as they often do when the weather is cooler like this little one did a few days ago. Its mama wasn't far away, and I want to believe it (or one of the others who come through) is the one born a couple sites down from us in May.
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