Saturday, May 25, 2013

What A Day!

*Critters we’ve seen on our 2013 trip so far:  bison, pronghorn, elk, white-tail deer, Uinta ground squirrel, coyote, snowshoe hare, grizzly bear, moose, wolf, red fox, black bear, bighorn sheep
*Birds we’ve seen on our 2013 trip so far: osprey, pheasant, magpie, raven, Canada geese, mountain bluebird, grouse, golden eagle, bald eagle, American avocet, sandhill crane

[Click on any photo to enlarge.] 
Black Bear
We left the RV about 6:15 in the morning hoping to see some critters in the Lamar Valley, and critters we did see!!  Over the next 7 hours we saw all of the following:  elk, bison, black bear, fox with her 2 kits (pups), 2 bald eagles, 2 grizzlies, 3 coyotes, Canada geese, ospreys in

       their nest, pronghorn, 3 sandhill cranes, a black wolf, bighorn sheep (including 18 rams!), and a black black bear with her 2 cinnamon colored cubs!!  I wasn’t able to get photos of everything because some were too far to be seen without a scope so definitely a photo would not come out very well at all (mainly the
Bison at Soda Butte
bald eagles, grizzlies, and wolf).  However, it was fairly easy to get several others especially the fox and her kits where there were probably about 100 photographers lined up shoulder to shoulder, tripod to tripod all taking hundreds of the same shots with their huge camera lenses…pretty funny!  I just stood behind with my little camera and got what shots I could.  All in all it was a great day, and we hope you enjoy some of the pics we did get!

Red Fox Kits
Red Fox Vixen

Sandhill Crane

Black Bear & her cinnamon cubs
Bighorn Sheep Ewe

Bighorn Sheep Rams
All 18 Bighorn Rams!

                 Yellowstone Tidbits:
  • Yellowstone is home to the largest concentration of mammals in the lower 48 states.
  • Bighorn ram horns can weigh more than 40 lbs.
  • An adult red fox weighs about 9-15 lbs. Females are vixens, males are dogs, and offspring are kits.
  • Black and grizzly bears can range in color from black to brown to cinnamon to blonde.

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