Thursday, October 8, 2015

All Together Now

*Critters we’ve seen on our 2015 trip so far: elk, mule, mule deer, llama, prairie dog, donkey, bison, coyote, pronghorn, Uinta ground squirrel, black bear, moose, bighorn sheep, yellow-bellied marmot, wolf, least chipmunk, fox, bull snake, mountain goat, camel, grizzly bear
*Birds we’ve seen on our 2015 trip so far: California condor, Brewer’s blackbird, American kestrel, spotted towhee, magpie, wild turkey, mountain bluebird, bald eagle, Canada goose, Clark’s nutcracker, sandhill crane, osprey, red-tailed hawk, mountain chickadee, Northern flicker, great horned owl, Peregrine falcon, brown-headed cowbird, cliff swallow, Cassin’s finch, western tanager, cedar waxwing, Lazuli bunting, blue heron, common merganser, red-breasted nuthatch
*National Parks/Monuments visited on 2015 trip so far: 6
We arrived at Finger Lakes State Park, about 10 miles north of Columbia, MO, and settled into the same site we occupied last time.  Early this year Russ and his college buddies had decided to have sort of a mini-reunion this weekend in Columbia.  Things started off Friday with Bob arriving to spend the night with us, and after a couple brewskies, we met up with some folks at TGI Fridays.
The game was set to start at 11a.m. which meant tailgating was going to have to start really early!  We arrived about 8a.m., and Doug had his usual spot set up in the parking lot just outside one of the stadium’s entrances.  Judy had brought lots of breakfast sandwiches that she was heating up on the grill, and there was
already plenty of other stuff like donuts, fruit plate, bagels, cream cheese, and as more people arrived, so did more food and drink.  It was chilly but there was no coffee or hot tea to be found anywhere.  Oh, well, maybe those mimosas or Bloody Marys would warm us up!
Once the core group arrived I managed to grab a quick group shot before folks started wandering off to find their seats, and it was so good to see some folks we hadn’t seen in years.  Since Doug was busy tending to other things, I made sure to get him in a smaller group shot as well, and I even was able to get in one with John.  There was lots of mingling, eating, reminiscing, and of course drinking!  This was a Gold Rush game meaning everyone was encouraged to dress in yellow or gold, but as you can see by the pictures, several of us had to initially cover up our “gold”.
Finally it was time to head inside, and the weather was warming up nicely.  In fact we left our jackets outside with Doug (he wasn’t going into the game) so now we were appropriately attired.  Is there anything better than spending a fall Saturday in your favorite college’s football stadium?!  Our seats were about 28 rows from the field on the 50 yard line, and it was standing room only with an attendance of 66,751.
It was also Military Appreciation Day, and there were several tributes throughout the game to service members.  Before the National Anthem was played, 10 members of the military based in MO were honored.  They had been chosen from 79 nominations to represent active duty, National Guard, and reserve military members, and were joined on the field by an official party of high ranking commanders.
We were playing the South Carolina Gamecocks, and they had a small contingent in the stands cheering them as they made their way onto the field (those empty seats you see across the field are where the Mizzou band sits during the game).  Now it was time for our Missouri Tigers to take the field, and the roar was almost deafening…but what would you expect at a home game?!

During halftime the 1966 Sugar Bowl championship team was honored with several members being brought out onto the field.  Back then the Missouri Tigers beat the Florida Gators 20-18, and the Gators quarterback, Steve Spurrier, was now the Gamecocks’ head coach.
For today’s game our starting quarterback had been suspended beforehand for unknown reasons, but our backup freshman quarterback, Drew Lock, led the Tigers to a decisive 24-10 victory!!
It was back to the parking lot for a little more tailgating (waiting for the traffic to die down was our excuse), and then a few of us managed one more dinner together before the mini reunion was over.  What a great weekend with great friends!

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