Though we missed the sunset in Key West, we’re sure that this one we experienced our first night back at Long Key State Park was just as spectacular as any they have down there, and this photo doesn’t do it justice.
This time our site was only 2 spaces from Dick and Beth, and they invited us for dinner Fri. They had been our guests the week before, and it’s always fun getting to know folks better over a scrumptious meal. As it so happens, the neighbor between our sites was a couple that Beth and Dick had met down here the year before. They didn’t know that Chris and Sue would be returning, and it was just a fluke that their site was between ours. They were also invited, and we all had a great time and a great meal.

Beth and Dick as well as Chris and Sue have Hobie kayaks. This type has foot pedals that are operated much like an exercise stepper and steering controls within an arm’s length that are easily maneuvered. Dick had offered us the use of his kayak several times the week before, and though we didn’t take him up on the offer then, I was determined to go out this time around. Fri. morning I met Dick at his boat (which was parked in the water right in front of his rig), and he took me out for a spin. What fun! After a short ride and getting the handle of how to operate it, he had me bring him back to shore and encouraged me to take it out on my own. Way cool! Chris and Sue had also offered the use of their kay

ak anytime I wanted to use it…this could become a habit!
Each boat can be equipped with a sail, and the next morning Dick took me out sailing. After a brief ride, we came back into shore, and he insisted on me sitting in the back to navigate the boat and the sail…yikes! But Dick is a good and patient teacher, and even though initially the boat was fighting me when tur

ning to the right, we finally got headed in the direction we wanted to go. Dick said that the strong breeze and slightly choppy water were probably hindering my abilities to navigate. Soon Chris and Sue came out on their boat, and Russ was able to snap a picture of both boats sailing the ocean blue. That night Chris and Sue invited everyone to sit around the campfire they planned to build after dinner so we arrived with chairs and drinks in hand to spend another lovely evening under the stars with our new friends.

Dick and
Beth were leaving the next day to head for Bahia Honda, and the night before we had decided that we wanted to get a group picture before they left. So precisely at 10 to 10 the next morning, the 6 of us met in front of the rigs with cameras and tripods in hand. Since they weren’t leaving till 1pm, Dick took me out sailing again. (I swear he’d live out on that boat if he c

ould!) This time there was little breeze, the water was calm, and it was smooth sailing…what a difference. Chris and Sue were leaving the next morning (Mon.), and while they were out bike riding, I took their boat for a spin. I was definitely getting spoiled and going to miss not having either of the boats at my disposal. Oh, well, such is life.
Each Thurs. there is a ranger guided program here at Long Key State

Park, and this week I was told that it would be kayaking. Woohoo! I had heard that beginning kayaking classes were done occasionally, so I was all excited to take a class to learn how to man a real kayak (meaning with an oar not bicycle pedaling). If you don’t have a kayak, one will be provided, and this is all free of charge. Russ drove me down to the meeting place and planned to take a couple pictures. I got myself situated in a boat, and then discovered that this was not going to be a Kayak 101 class, but rather a 2 hour ranger guided paddle along the shoreline! But wait…I’ve ne

ver done this before! I hadn’t brought a cover-up because I didn’t realize I’d be out on the water for 2 hours, so Russ offered his shirt for me to wear over my suit since the sun was beating down. There were 12 boats going on this excursion, and the ranger assured me it would be easy handling. Now it was time to get going, and off I went. Look at me…I’m manning a kayak all by myself! As we traveled along the shoreline, the rangers described the plants, birds, and sea critters we saw. What a great way to spend a couple hours, and I didn’t tip over! (Sorry, no photos of the trip since I didn’t want to chance dropping the camera in the water.)

By the way we finally discovered the identity of that sea creature we saw during our first week here. I had e-mailed the contact address on the park’s website with a general description of what we had seen. Park ranger, Marty Dillis, replied that he believed it was a Polka-Dot Batfish and attached the photo seen at left. The mystery was solved as it was indeed the creature, and after researching further online, this website gives an even clearer picture and description:

This morning we awoke shortly before sunrise and walked the one mile Golden Orb Nature Trail hoping to see lots of birds. We did experience lots of mosquitoes but only saw a couple birds and several tiny crabs scampering back to their holes. Man, they can move fast!

When we returned to the RV, we found what we initially thought was a jellyfish laying on the beach. It appeared to be dead, but we know enough not to touch it because the tentacles can still sting. As it turns out, it was a Portuguese Man-of-War, and its sting can be very dangerous and painful!

Originally there was going to be 3 days between when we left here and when our winter reservations start in Clermont, and we had been debating whether to spend a couple nights at Monument Lake in Big Cypress again, or maybe 1 night and then spend a couple nights at a nearby campground in Clermont

. Several times a day Russ would check the Long Key’s website on the off chance that there would be a cancellation so we could stay here a little longer. And that’s just what happened. We had to move to a different site yesterday, but we get to spend 3 more days (for a total of 13) in what we consider paradise. Alas, we leave for Clermont on Tues., but I leave you with some more photos of wildlife taken during our stay here.
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